15 Home Cleaning Hacks to Transform Your House
Discovering efficient and practical ways to keep a clean and tidy home can make the task of cleaning more bearable and rewarding. From simple strategies to clever tricks, there are numerous techniques that can completely transform the way we approach maintaining our living space.
hese practical cleaning tips & hacks will be divided into two parts:
- 15 Home Cleaning Tips to Make it Easy on Yourself
- 15 Home Cleaning Hacks to Transform Your House
Keeping your home clean and fresh doesn't have to be that hard. With the right cleaning hacks, you can efficiently tackle dirt, stains, and odors using simple, natural, and cost-effective solutions.
1 Vinegar and Baking Soda: Excellent Natural and Inexpensive Cleaners
Harness the power of nature's cleaners by using a combination of vinegar and baking soda. Create a paste for scrubbing surfaces such as toilets, countertops and similar, or use them separately to tackle various cleaning tasks in the kitchen.
These inexpensive ingredients are not only eco-friendly but also highly effective in removing stains and grime.
2 Hacks with Lemon: Deodorize, Clean Surfaces, and Remove Stains
Make lemon your cleaning ally. Its natural acidity helps deodorize, clean surfaces, and eliminate stains. Use lemon slices to freshen up your garbage disposal or combine lemon juice with baking soda for a dynamic cleaning duo.
3 Use Old Socks or Cloths to Trap Dust in Difficult Areas
Don't discard those old socks just yet. Put them to use as dust traps in hard-to-reach places. Slide a sock onto your hand, dampen it slightly, and wipe away dust from surfaces like blinds and intricate decor items.
4 Steam to Disinfect: Eliminate Germs and Bacteria on Surfaces
Invest in a steam cleaner to disinfect surfaces effectively. Steam not only removes dirt but also eliminates germs and bacteria, making it a powerful and chemical-free cleaning solution.
For more information about uses of steam cleaning at home, check our article here.
5 Dishwasher for More Than Dishes: Clean Toys, Toothbrushes, and More
Extend your dishwasher's utility beyond plates and glasses. Items like steam-resistant plastic toys, toothbrushes, and even kitchen sponges can be sanitized in the dishwasher, saving you time and effort.
6 Disinfect Sponges in the Microwave?
Revive your kitchen sponges by microwaving them. Place a wet sponge in the microwave for a few short minutes to kill bacteria and disinfect. This simple home cleaning hack ensures a more hygienic cleaning tool.
7 Use Bags to Clean Lamps
Put an end to dusty lamps with this clever hack. Place a plastic bag around the lampshade and gently rub to trap and remove dust effectively. It's a quick and efficient way to keep your lighting fixtures shining bright.
8 Flavor with Orange Peels, a Natural Aroma Enhancement
Infuse your home with a fresh and pleasant aroma using orange peels. Boil orange peels with cinnamon for a delightful fragrance that not only masks odors but also adds a touch of natural freshness to your living spaces.
9 Vinegar for Shiny Faucets, Remove Stains and Enhance Shine
Achieve sparkling faucets by soaking a paper towel in vinegar and wrapping it around the faucet for a few minutes. To counteract the vinegar smell, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mix.
10 Vacuum for Dirty Keyboards
Rid your keyboard of dust and debris by using a small vacuum. This handy tool allows you to clean between keys, ensuring your keyboard remains pristine and functional.
1 1 Clean the Microwave with Steam: Easy Dirt Softening Technique
Simplify microwave cleaning by heating a bowl of water and lemon inside. The steam created softens dirt and grime, making it easier to wipe away, leaving your microwave spotless.
12 Eliminate Bad Odors with Baking Soda, a Natural Odor Absorber
Combat unpleasant odors by strategically placing open containers of baking soda in areas that need freshening up - you can actually find these on many known stores. Baking soda is a natural and effective odor absorber.
13 Clean Curtains with Salt - Mold and Grease Prevention
Wash shower curtains with salt to prevent mold and grease buildup. This simple home clenaing hack helps maintain the freshness of your curtains, especially in areas prone to humidity.
14 Unclog Drains with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Say goodbye to clogged drains and foul odors. Pour baking soda followed by hot vinegar down the drain to eliminate blockages and keep your pipes flowing smoothly.
15 Cleaning Toys in the Dishwasher
Keep your child's toys germ-free by washing steam-resistant plastic toys in the dishwasher. This time-saving cleaning hack ensures effective cleaning and sanitization, giving you peace of mind.
These 15 home cleaning hacks showcase the brilliance of everyday items in simplifying your cleaning routine. From natural cleansers like vinegar and baking soda to unexpected tools like dishwashers and lemons, these hacks will help you maintain a clean, fresh, and inviting home with minimal effort.